Construction: The House That Jack Built

When you're ready to build a home of your own, you'll need heavy construction equipment. Find out more about the building process.

3 Reasons Crane Hire Is a Great Idea for Your Construction Project

4 January 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Things can get complicated when running a construction project because you have many things to think about. Apart from searching for qualified individuals for the job, you must also think about the equipment required to carry it out. Heavy equipment such as a crane is critical if you want to complete the project successfully.  Nonetheless, buying a crane is not always wise, especially when undertaking a one-time project. This means you would store the equipment for a long without using it, not forgetting that its value is also depreciating. Read More …

Essential Rigging Hardware For Your Crane Rigging Undertakings

4 January 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Crane operations rely on the rigging process to move heavy loads from one point to the other. Despite having sophisticated cranes, your rigging project's success needs attention to specific details. The first and most imperative one is the right rigging hardware for the job. It ensures the safety of your load and the people involved in the whole process. Sadly, most people don't know much about the elements that make a complete and efficient rigging system. Read More …

How much thought goes into moving your loads?

16 July 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Moving goods around the country normally involve fairly simple principles. You likely load your dog trailers or trucks in one location, then drive to the destination and unload the goods. That seems easy enough but behind the simple principles, there are a lot of issues in the background that you can't afford to overlook. Here are three key questions that you should ask before you agree to transport any load. Read More …

Safety Tips You Should Consider While Using Earthmoving Equipment

24 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Earthmoving equipment like bulldozers, cranes, skid and front-end loaders and tractors are a necessity in most construction projects. Without the right earthmoving equipment, it would be impossible to construct viable and robust structures. However, this heavy equipment can be inherently dangerous when it isn't used properly. This post will be sharing key safety tips every project manager should consider to stay productive and ensure the site is safe. Whether you are building a new house or roads or working on excavating, the following tips will keep the workers safe. Read More …

Crane Hire Tips

31 August 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Do you intend to move and hoist heavy objects in your warehouse or construction site? Well, you should consider crane hire services. The extract below discusses a few considerations to make when hiring cranes.  What Are Your Needs? Mobile cranes are versatile. Since they are truck-mounted, you can use them to hoist objects at different locations in your site. Besides, there are different types of mobile cranes to suit varying working conditions. Read More …

About Me
Construction: The House That Jack Built

Hello, welcome to my blog. My name is Jack. Ever since I was a little boy, I dreamed of building my own home. I used to spend hours playing with my wooden building blocks, constructing towers and palaces. When I was at school, I practised my drawing skills to I could draught my own blueprints. I also paid attention in my woodworking and metalwork classes. However, when the time came to build my dream house, I realised that I would need some heavy construction equipment. Thankfully, a friend of mine works in the industry. He explained everything I needed to know about hiring excavators and cranes. It took a long time but my house is finally complete. I decided to start this blog to pass on everything I have learnt about heavy construction.
