Essential Rigging Hardware For Your Crane Rigging Undertakings

When you're ready to build a home of your own, you'll need heavy construction equipment. Find out more about the building process.

Essential Rigging Hardware For Your Crane Rigging Undertakings

4 January 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Crane operations rely on the rigging process to move heavy loads from one point to the other. Despite having sophisticated cranes, your rigging project's success needs attention to specific details. The first and most imperative one is the right rigging hardware for the job. It ensures the safety of your load and the people involved in the whole process. Sadly, most people don't know much about the elements that make a complete and efficient rigging system. The following piece seeks to change that narrative as it dives deep into the hardware you require for the task.

The Rigging Shackles

Rigging shackles are special pieces of equipment that enable you to connect and disconnect different rigging equipment. They are robust enough to hold loads weighing several tonnes, but you must pay attention to their rating to ensure that you do not overload them. Generally, there are two types of shackles. These are the chain and anchor shackles. The two categories have other smaller categorisations, including screw pins, round pins and safety shackles.

Despite having several classes, rigging shackles have some primary features, such as a steel loop closed off by a robust pin. The combination ensures a secure connection between the load and the rest of the rigging equipment.

The Eye Bolts

Rigging involves extensive used of ropes and cables. These two elements need anchor points where they can change direction and get support as they run over long cross-sections to reach, hoist and move your loads. The eye bolts provide the much-needed anchorage, and they come in different sizes depending on the load you are rigging.

You have two options when choosing eye bolts for your applications. First, you can go for straight-line eyebolts used for anchoring and supporting straight rigging cables. Secondly, you can choose shoulder eye bolts if your rigging application has many angular connections. Most applications will involve a combination of these two.

Wire Ropes and Cables

Wire ropes also make the list of the essential rigging equipment you need. The best cables come as fortified strands made from stainless steel wires or carbon steel wires. Both materials have excellent corrosion resistance that keeps the cables from weakening and snapping due to rust. The materials also have remarkable tensile strength needed to hoist heavy loads with your crane. When buying, your wire ropes will come with additional accessories like stops, sleeves, clips and thimbles. All these enhance safety and efficiency when rigging.

About Me
Construction: The House That Jack Built

Hello, welcome to my blog. My name is Jack. Ever since I was a little boy, I dreamed of building my own home. I used to spend hours playing with my wooden building blocks, constructing towers and palaces. When I was at school, I practised my drawing skills to I could draught my own blueprints. I also paid attention in my woodworking and metalwork classes. However, when the time came to build my dream house, I realised that I would need some heavy construction equipment. Thankfully, a friend of mine works in the industry. He explained everything I needed to know about hiring excavators and cranes. It took a long time but my house is finally complete. I decided to start this blog to pass on everything I have learnt about heavy construction.
