How to Choose the Right Pick-And-Carry Crane For Your Construction Site

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How to Choose the Right Pick-And-Carry Crane For Your Construction Site

12 May 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Pick-and-carry cranes are useful machines to have on construction sites. These mobile cranes can lift, lower and carry items all over a site. However, before you choose a pick-and-carry crane, ask yourself the following questions. They will help you find the right model for your needs.

What Are Your Lift and Carry Needs?

A pick-and-carry crane can do more jobs than a regular crane. For example, you can use it to lift items to a height or to lower them down. You can also transport items around your site on the crane's truck body.

It's important to choose a model that has the right lift and carry limits for the work you'll do. For example, think about how high the crane will have to reach to drop off or pick up loads. You need a boom that can reach these heights.

The lifting weight limit of the crane itself is also important. This affects the weight of the loads it can lift and lower. As you'll also use the crane to move loads around your site, you should make sure that the carry deck on the truck can also safely take your load weights.

Do You Have Access Restrictions?

The compact size and manoeuvrability of pick-and-carry cranes make them a popular choice on small construction sites or on sites that have some access restrictions. However, this doesn't mean that every pick-and-carry crane will work on your site.

Think about your site access. Will the crane have to fit under height restrictions? Will it have to drive through narrow areas as it moves around the site? Can it make turns on all areas of the site?

Once you have the answers to these questions, you have a better idea of your size and manoeuvrability needs. You can choose the right size of crane for your site without having to worry about whether it can go where you need it to go.

Where Will You Use the Crane on Your Site?

You can use a pick-and-carry crane anywhere on a construction site. You can even drive these vehicles indoors and use them inside a build if you want.

It's worth thinking about where you'll use the crane. This affects your choice of tyres or tracks. For example, if the ground on your site is in basically good shape, then regular tyres should work well enough. However, if your site is boggy and rough, then tracks might help a crane get around more easily.

To learn more about pick-and-carry cranes and how they will work on your site, ask crane suppliers for advice.

About Me
Construction: The House That Jack Built

Hello, welcome to my blog. My name is Jack. Ever since I was a little boy, I dreamed of building my own home. I used to spend hours playing with my wooden building blocks, constructing towers and palaces. When I was at school, I practised my drawing skills to I could draught my own blueprints. I also paid attention in my woodworking and metalwork classes. However, when the time came to build my dream house, I realised that I would need some heavy construction equipment. Thankfully, a friend of mine works in the industry. He explained everything I needed to know about hiring excavators and cranes. It took a long time but my house is finally complete. I decided to start this blog to pass on everything I have learnt about heavy construction.
