5 Ways to Stay Safe When Rigging a Crane

When you're ready to build a home of your own, you'll need heavy construction equipment. Find out more about the building process.

5 Ways to Stay Safe When Rigging a Crane

3 February 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Rigging a crane can be a dangerous job. However, there are several things you can do to stay safe while doing so. Here are five tips to help keep you safe while rigging a crane. Read on to discover more!

1 Always wear a safety harness

Rigging a crane requires you to be up high, often on top of the trolley or boom. Wearing your safety harness can save your life if you ever slip and fall. However, if your safety harness isn't attached correctly, it won't be able to keep you safe. It is best to ask a workmate to double-check that your harness is secured before climbing onto the trolley or boom.

2. Make sure the ground is stable

Before rigging a crane, make sure that where you're lifting your load off is secure and strong enough to handle the weight of what's being lifted. If you're lifting a heavy object, first set up blocks and be sure to brace the load where it sits. Blocks and braces can go a long way when rigging a crane. If you'll be lifting something off the ground with your crane, secure your load and use blocking and bracing to keep it level and prevent it from moving around. If something doesn't feel quite right while you're doing this, don't hesitate to double-check that all of your equipment is still properly in place before continuing on with your task.

3. Check the load capacity of the crane

Because every load is different, it's important that you inspect what you will be lifting before rigging your crane. In some instances, this may mean taking a peek under the hood and checking out what type of engine is in place. Once you know how much your load weighs, confirm with your supervisor that your crane is able to lift that amount. This step can help keep both you and those around you safe from harm.

4. Inspect all equipment before use

Before starting any project that involves rigging a crane, inspect everything before using it. This means checking both the outer appearance of each piece of equipment and its inner mechanism. For example, you should inspect any cables for wear and check that the clips used to fasten loads actually work.

5. Never overload the crane

Remember that if you are not sure whether or not an object should be lifted by a particular lift truck or capacity load, it really should not be lifted. Ensuring you're using the right crane and equipment for the job is an essential step in rigging a crane safely and avoiding an accident.

Contact a construction company today if you want to find out more rigging.

About Me
Construction: The House That Jack Built

Hello, welcome to my blog. My name is Jack. Ever since I was a little boy, I dreamed of building my own home. I used to spend hours playing with my wooden building blocks, constructing towers and palaces. When I was at school, I practised my drawing skills to I could draught my own blueprints. I also paid attention in my woodworking and metalwork classes. However, when the time came to build my dream house, I realised that I would need some heavy construction equipment. Thankfully, a friend of mine works in the industry. He explained everything I needed to know about hiring excavators and cranes. It took a long time but my house is finally complete. I decided to start this blog to pass on everything I have learnt about heavy construction.
