What you need to know when renting a crane for your construction project

When you're ready to build a home of your own, you'll need heavy construction equipment. Find out more about the building process.

What you need to know when renting a crane for your construction project

28 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Getting a reliable crane hire business that will offer the right services can be a simple task if you understand the process and take the proper steps of preparation. However, assuming and bouncing onto the road to grab the next crane you meet for hire could be a devastating ordeal for your construction project. There should be a lot of organisation to be done, many parties involved in the process, and a lot of staff can go astray as this could be an overwhelming venture. Learn some facts to guide you when going for a rental crane.

What does your project Involve?

This may seem an obvious question but without a clear answer it could result to confusions during your crane hire process. There are two factors that must come out clear on this. You must know the exact requirements needed at the construction site and second, you must understand what is required of you to successfully rent a crane.

When renting the crane, you also need a rigger. This helps in fastening the cables, straps, and chains on the crane when handling heavy materials to avoid accidents. The rigger also operates the lift system of the crane. It is necessary to secure the rigger first even before hiring the crane.

How well are the cranes maintained?

Not all hire companies have a reputation of maintaining their equipment in the right state. You should confirm that the crane you are assigned is regularly serviced. Do research by getting information from the hire staff on which crane is the best for type of work since different cranes have different capacities and can handle different weights. Fair enough, the crane hire company should be able to deliver and pick it up again when the project is completed.

How long will you need the crane?

It is economical to hire a crane for the exact period of construction project. Most crane hire companies may lease the crane for short term, medium term, and long term periods. Therefore, make a clear estimated time for hire to avoid incurring extra costs when the crane is no longer needed at the site.

What are the costs of hiring?

Your hiring company should set out all the costs of hiring the crane. This should include any other extras like deposit and insurance costs. You should also agree on who takes responsibility in case the crane gets damaged. In addition, the hire company should be able to provide support, offer advice, and help solve critical issues that arise during the hire period.

About Me
Construction: The House That Jack Built

Hello, welcome to my blog. My name is Jack. Ever since I was a little boy, I dreamed of building my own home. I used to spend hours playing with my wooden building blocks, constructing towers and palaces. When I was at school, I practised my drawing skills to I could draught my own blueprints. I also paid attention in my woodworking and metalwork classes. However, when the time came to build my dream house, I realised that I would need some heavy construction equipment. Thankfully, a friend of mine works in the industry. He explained everything I needed to know about hiring excavators and cranes. It took a long time but my house is finally complete. I decided to start this blog to pass on everything I have learnt about heavy construction.
